Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walk This Way...

I went for a walk this morning and quickly remembered why I usually wait to walk after the sun goes down. I started at 10:30, and I didn’t make it back to my car until 12:30. Of course, me being me, it could not be just a normal, simple, little walk. It was 95 degrees outside, and the sun was blaring, so my brilliant idea was to cut down a “nature trail”. I use this term loosely because the only nature I encountered was trees and mud and mosquitoes the size of pterodactyls. I was hot and sweaty, and by the time we emerged from “nature”, we still had about 2 more miles to go. I felt like I was on Survivor Island. I began to imagine oases and mirages. I was completely out of water when an angel from God appeared in a TECO truck. He stopped, and cool air wafted out of his open window. He asked “Do yall’ need anything?” I replied “Do you have any water?” He said “no”, but pointed to this giant blue pipe sticking out of the ground “That pipe has drinking water. I can open it up for you.” He offered, and I gratefully accepted. My face felt swollen, and I began to see spots in front of my eyes, so I knew I had to get cool and fast. When he opened the valve to flush the system, it looked like someone opened a fire hydrant on a NY city street. I waited for a few moments to get rid of the stagnate water. He then lowered the pressure and I filled my cup and I got myself wet. It was a shock to the system because the water was so cool, but it was just what I needed to make it back to my car. I wiped off the baby with a cool, wet cloth and made sure she had plenty of water. She drank 8 oz during the course of our walk. I was worried that was too much, so I gave her some Pedialyte when we got home. She was no worse for ware! I finally made it back home to the air conditioning and my comfy couch. I was toast for the rest of the day. I slept through most of the Yankee game…which was awesome by the way. I am super tired so I am going to hit the sack! I hope everyone is having a great weekend.